miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Sistema de Desarrollo para PICs (programador)

Sistema de Desarrollo para microrontroladores PICs + Display Alfanumerico de 2x16 caracteres + Display Grafico Touch Screen de 128x64 pixeles + Tarjeta de Ethernet
Marca: mikroelectronika
Modelo: Easypic4
Precio: 900BsF

Display Alfanumerico de 2x16 caracteres

Display Grafico Touch Screen de 128x64 pixeles

Tarjeta de Ethernet para conectar PICs a Internet

The EasyPIC4 development system is a full-featured development board for Microchip’s 8, 14, 18, 28 and 40 pin PIC microcontrollers. As the successor of the EasyPIC3 board, the EasyPIC4 has all its benefits and is fully optimized for fast prototype development. It allows the PIC microcontroller to be interfaced with external circuits to a broad range of the peripheral devices, allowing the user to concentrate on just the software. The figure on the left illustrates the first contact with the development system. On a silkscreen there are marks beside every component. These marks describe connections to the microcontroller, operation modes, and some other useful notes. As a result, the need for additional schematics is minimized, because all the information required is already on the board.

3 in 1 Development Tool - Development Board + USB 2.0 on-board programmer - PICFlash2 + mikro ICD on-board: mikro ICD is a highly effective tool for Real-Time debugging on a hardware level. The ICD debugger enables you to execute a mikroC/mikroPascal/mikroBasic program on a host PIC microcontroller and view variable values, Special Function Registers (SFR), memory and EEPROM as the program is running. Also there is PICFlash USB 2.0 – an ultra fast USB 2.0 programmer for fast MCU programming. Continuing its tradition as the fastest PIC programmer on the market, the new PICFlash with mikroICD now supports more PIC MCUs giving the developer a wider choice of PIC MCU for further prototype development.


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